Dado que soy una escritora ávida de entretener al público con novelas de intriga, acción e historia, aquí dejo el listado de novelas escritas hasta el momento, que espero ir ampliando con el tiempo:

As I am a writer eager to entertain the public with novels of intrigue, action and history, here is the list of novels written so far, which I hope to expand over time:




¡Traición!: Con tan solo dos años, Nacho, el hijo pequeño de una pareja madrileña comienza a comportarse de manera extraña. Sus padres, desesperados, temiendo que se trate de una enfermedad mental, consultan con varios especialistas quienes no parecen tener ninguna explicación razonable y lógica a su extraño comportamiento. Con el pasar de los años, el problema del niño va empeorando ante la impotencia de los padres que ven cómo su hijo habla, con todo tipo de detalles, de experiencias bélicas, de torturas, del más puro amor y de la más amarga de las traiciones. Sin embargo, poco a poco, los padres van averiguando lo qué se oculta tras la misteriosa conducta de Nacho y, a pesar de su resistencia inicial, toman conciencia de que si quieren salvar a su hijo, deberán viajar a los Estados Unidos, donde esperan encontrar la solución al problema de Nacho. Allí, sin embargo, sus vidas se verán amenazadas por un asesino despiadado que intentará acabar con sus vidas antes de permitir que su escalofriante secreto salga a la luz. Traicionado es una novela de intriga que enganchará al lector desde el principio hasta el final. Una novela donde el suspenso irá aumentando con cada página, manteniendo al lector atado al libro hasta el último momento.

¡Traición!: At the age of two, Nacho, the youngest son of a couple from Madrid, begins to behave strangely. His parents, desperate and fearing that it might be a mental illness, consult several specialists who do not seem to have any reasonable and logical explanation for his strange behaviour. As the years go by, the boy's problem worsens to the parents' helplessness as they watch their son talk in detail about war experiences, torture, the purest of love and the bitterest of betrayals. However, little by little, the parents find out what lies behind Nacho's mysterious behaviour and, despite their initial resistance, they realise that if they want to save their son, they will have to travel to the United States, where they hope to find the solution to Nacho's problem. There, however, their lives will be threatened by a ruthless killer who will try to end their lives before they allow his horrible secret to come to light. This is a novel of intrigue that will hook the reader from the beginning to the end. A novel where the suspense will increase with each page, keeping the reader tied to the book until the very last moment.

Cipango es una novela histórica enmarcada en el Japón del siglo XVII en la que prima la intriga y la acción a través de un hidalgo sevillano que se embarca en el primer navío disponible para correr aventuras. El trasfondo histórico trata sobre los primeros españoles que llegaron a tierras japonesas en un país envuelto en guerras cruentas que llevaron a su unificación y posterior aislamiento del resto del mundo durante la era Tokugawa. En este marco, la religión jugó un papel muy importante ya que los religiosos tanto españoles como portugueses fueron expulsados de Japón bajo pena de ser asesinados si no abandonaban el país. Nuestro protagonista, se ve envuelto sin quererlo en este mundo de luchas de poder, de enfrentamientos religiosos e intrigas palaciegas.

Cipango is a historical novel set in Japan in 17th century, in which a nobleman from Seville embarks on the first available ship to embark on an adventure. The historical background is about the first Spaniards who arrived in Japan in a country involved in bloody wars that led to its unification and subsequent isolation from the rest of the world during the Tokugawa era. In this context, religion played a very important role, as both the Spanish and Portuguese religious were expelled from Japan on pain of being killed if they did not leave the country. Our protagonist is unwittingly drawn into this world of power struggles, religious clashes and palace intrigues.

Continuación de Cipango: Tras su paso por Japón, y después de haber sobrevivido a innumerables batallas, Tomás Cervero logra por fin realizar su sueño de viajar hasta el Nuevo Mundo y ver con sus propios ojos la capital del imperio azteca, Tenochtitlan. Sin embargo, a pesar de que aquellas tierras parecen pacíficas, pronto descubrirá que los peligros le acechan a cada paso. Huyendo de una familia tan poderosa como cruel, nuestro protagonista se verá obligado a poner en práctica todos los conocimientos de lucha y supervivencia aprendidos en Japón para superar los peligros que le esperan en el Nuevo Mundo.

Continuation of Cipango: After his time in Japan, and having survived countless battles, Tomás Cervero finally realises his dream of travelling to the New World and seeing the capital of the Aztec empire, Tenochtitlan, with his own eyes. However, although those lands seem peaceful, he soon discovers that dangers lie in wait for him at every turn. Fleeing from a family that is as powerful as it is cruel, our protagonist will be forced to put into practice all the knowledge of fighting and survival he learned in Japan to overcome the dangers that await him in the New World.

En Instante Fatídico, Alejandro, un padre de familia, decide comprarle un regalo a su hija en el día de su cumpleaños pero de regreso, tiene un grave accidente de coche por el que debe ser ingresado en un hospital. Milagrosamente salva su vida pero mientras se recupera de sus heridas en el hospital, se da cuenta de que sufre amnesia y no puede recordar su vida pasada. Ayudado por un detective de policía que le aconseja realizar una sesión de hipnosis, comienza a recordar hechos incomprensibles y terroríficos de los que forma parte activa. Decidido a investigar estos hechos, se ve envuelto en la trama de una organización dispuesta a todo antes de ser descubiertos, incluso a acabar con su vida y la de su familia.

In Instante Fatídico, Alejandro, a family man, decides to buy a present for his daughter on her birthday but on his way back home, he has a serious car accident and has to be admitted to hospital. He miraculously saves his life but while recovering from his injuries in hospital, he realizes that he suffers from amnesia and cannot remember his past life. Aided by a police detective who advises him to undergo a hypnosis session, he begins to recall incomprehensible and terrifying events in which he is an active part. Determined to investigate these events, he becomes entangled in the plot of an organisation willing to do anything before they are discovered, including ending his life and that of his family.

English version of ¡Traición!

Treason is a novel in which the suspense is increasing exponentially with every page, until the end of the book where the suspense is maximum.

When a young couple living in Madrid, discover that they are going to have a baby after so many years trying, they barely can believe their happiness. However, that happiness, soon turn into a hell when their son Nacho is two years old. He suffers from terrible nightmares and starts behaving very odd, even his language is not appropriate for his age. In those nightmares he speaks in English, a language he never learnt, and talks about wars, aircrafts, detailed weaponry, but also about friendship and passionate love. At fist, those events happened only at night, during his sleep, but when the boy starts dreaming at daytime, in front of other persons, and seems to suffer those terrible dreams without realizing that they are just dreams, the parents perplexed by such behavior, seek the advice of experts who, like them, are powerless to explain his symptoms. During those episodes, Nacho talks about a real friendship between two men, Tom and Jerry, and their love for Jane, but also about destruction, tortures, lies and treason. The parents, admitting that they don’t know how to put an end to that “illness", decide to listen carefully the stories their son tells them when he is dreaming, to try to make sense of it, although to them, those stories are like a puzzle with no sense at all. Over the years, the unusual behavior of the child gets worse, but on the other hand,   the parents gradually discover what lies behind his mysterious behavior. However, to heal their son, they must travel to the United States where lies the key to his cure. The parents refuse the idea of a trip to the States, but eventually the behavior of Nacho to this respect, force them to change their minds and finally they all travel to Ohio for a few days hopping that in Ohio Nacho will turn into a normal child. There, they will meet a family connected to their son, and suddenly Nacho’s parents will realize that all the stories their son had been telling them about Tom, Jerry and Jane will make complete sense. Nevertheless, their lives will be threatened by a ruthless murderer who will try to kill them before they discover the whole truth, a terrible and bitter truth that nobody could expect. 

En este link se pueden encontrar todos mis libros en Amazon, tanto en papel como en versión digital:

In this link you can find all my books in Amazon, in paper and digital version:

Todos mis libros

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